Monday, October 10, 2011

Moments can be...

A moment can mean anything.
Fear can be the best motivator.
The moment you cross that finish line...A winner!
Procrastination can turn to determination.
Inspiration can come from willingness.
The moment you become...Engaged!
A smile can change to fear.
The moment you lose someone...Memories.
A hug turns into a moment that makes you feel warm.
The moment your child is born...Family!

Moments can be anything you want them to be. 
When they're not, it's up to you to change it. 
Enjoy the positive moments you get.  They may not last long.
Disregard the negative moments that turn your day upside down.  They do pass. 

Keep smiling and know that you are not alone. 
Walk with your head up and you won't trip!  Well...
Laugh and make sure nothing comes out your nose.
Make someone laugh and plant a smile!
Plant a hug (in good taste) and walk away.
Tell someone they're beautiful and leave it at that!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thoughts Tumbling Out...

First, I gotta just say...I definitely prefer the long skinny shadow in front of me instead of the "more like me" shadow stuck beside me.  I don't want to be that long.  Just that flexible!

I saw the chinese man riding by on his bicycle.  It was so dark, I could barely see him, but I couldn't miss his reflectors.  Good job chinese man!

So today I kept thinking about Girl Scouts and the budget process? program? scenario?...something or other that I'm putting together for the girls.  There is a lot that I want to do, but I think I need to keep it simple and rewarding on a regular basis. 

My mind keeps going back to the next few weeks and all that I have going on.  Money would be a great help right now.  Donations are always accepted!!  So there's the move.  There's trying to take days off from work despite a constant schedule.  There's Halloween.  There's my kiddos stuff.  There's Girl Scouts.  There's an attempt at becoming treasurer for my daughters choir booster club.  They use Quickbooks, which I'm familiar with.  Seems like a lot of people find Quickbooks user friendly.

I used to use Quickbooks at my old job.  Well, I use it in my current job, but not to the same capacity.  I started out at that (old) job as someone who was supposed to answer phones.  I left 2 years later (and with a years notice) with a lot more experience than I would have imagined or could have asked for.  Thank you Pam and Nelson!!

Sometimes I feel like Ellen.  She did a comedy bit about procrastination and jumped from topic to topic.  I guess that's just what I do when I jog, though.  I think of so many things at once and can't write them down in the moment so they come tumbling out later.

Still toying with the idea of writing a book online.  Maybe I'll start it through a blog and see where it leads...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Strength to Keep Going...

The moon has been pretty amazing these past couple nights!  The weather has been perfect and I've loved it!  I'm still maintaining my four-mile jog.  I'm sad that Kelly had to cancel her 10k that I was working for this month, but the goal for me has not been broken.  I still want to jog to lose weight, for my health, and to get to running a 10K when she does reschedule the date. 

I realized in this frame of thought that joggers really are on their own.  It's up to each individual to push themself when no one else can or will.  Joggers have to have their own inner strength that pushes them to the next level.  When your legs are aching and want to stop, you push them to keep going.  And I know from experience that pushing through that will matter and you can do it.  When you don't want to do that extra mile, but push yourself to do it, it makes all the difference in your accomplishment.  Getting up early, staying up late or just finding a way to run when you're beyond tired takes a certain kind fof committment.  We all have our off days, but there really is a certain individual strength that joggers have that no one can take away. 

Many joggers are beyond my committment level, but that's okay, because it's what works for me.

Just like the stars in the sky shine brightly no matter what the weather, we can all stand out in our own way.  It just takes the strength to continue when you want to give up!