Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Want the Energy of a Squirrel!

I'm sorry to the squirrels that I scare or get in the way while I'm jogging.  Obviously they see me and HAVE to move cause I'm in the way. apologies Mr., Mrs., and single squirrels!

I haven't jogged my trail in a while because I've been going to the gym, but it was a nice cool day for it, so I went for it. I wasn't really in the mood to jog, and I somehow hurt my right leg, so I walked more than I usually do (or would have liked to).  It allowed me to see my scenic route a little better, though.  

I have a neighbor with a pool.  I have neighbors that take much better care of their lawn than others.  There are those with pets in the back yards and others who have chair swings, patio furniture, etc.  One house that caught my eye had two little kids playing together.  It was an older brother with his younger sister.  It reminded me of when my older brother and I used to play together.  He was, and is, my favorite brother because we never fought.  I was always trying to get him out of trouble and he was always trying to teach me how to get in trouble.  :-)  I still love him!!  I remember when I had seen him after several years.  It was breakfast and I had made my own hash browns and eggs sunny side up.  Perfect!  He saw it, said "I love you sis" and proceeded to take the plate.  Yeah, I let him have it.  What can I say?  That reminds me...I need to write to him.  Jail life has to get quite lonely.  Like I said, he was always in trouble. 

As I was jogging, I blew a bubble and wondered "What if a leaf or bit of dirt blew up and landed right on my bubble?"  Glad that didn't really happen.  That would be gross!

I saw a squirrel run through the ditch and appearing to be focused and on a mission, he ran right in front of me.  He proceeded towards a fence where two large dogs were and yes, they saw him too!  They ran as if they were going to catch him, but he ran up that fence, across the top, and to that tree so fast....all the energy those two dogs had for all 5 seconds was gone when he went up that tree.  It made me wish I had that squirrels energy.  (And lack of that type of fear)  At least I finished my three miles, but have that energy.  Maybe I need to eat more nuts!

I don't know that these squirrels are boys or girls, so the "he" referenced is not discrimination in any way.

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