Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Determination and Keeping Austin Weird!

As soon as I start jogging, I realize that I see perpendicular lines and graphs in my vision.  Darn that Algebra class I'm taking.  It's not fun and these darn formulas are gonna be the death of me.  y=mx+b...y,x...x,y...find the slope....sheesh!  It's following me everywhere.

So I realized that I have such inspiration when I'm running, but I can't seem to bring it back long enough to get it in writing.  I've got stories of my own life, stories that my dreams would make, stories that I have ideas for...I can write the whole thing in my head, but still...I gotta find a way to bring it home.   All of it, not just part.

So I ran 4 miles today.  Okay, I had to walk some on that last mile, but it was worth it.  I pushed myself to that next level.  I think I was scared to at first, because now that I've set the bar at 4 miles, I have to maintain that.  I say "whatever" to the saying that tells you, "You don't HAVE to do anything" because I do.  I realized that runners have some sort of determination gene in them.  Is that even a real thing? I doubt it.  All I know is that running allows you to set your own limits, push yourself on your own time, and above all things, do what it takes to prove that you can do whatever you set your heart to.  Seriously! 

One realization I had was that I've always been a runner.  I have taken years off, but I remember jogging back in high school.  I do enjoy it.  I think I talked myself out of it for years, but getting back into it has me challenging myself to go further.  Running the 5K's and hopefully a 10K also gives back to whatever charity I'm running for.  That's always a good thing. 

In the spirit of keeping Austin weird...As I was running my second lap, I passed two guys who said hello to me.  Granted, this is after 10pm at night.  They seemed harmless, but...as I made my fourth lap, they were still in the same area.  Not moving, but kind of in the middle of nowhere just walking back and forth.  No idea what they were doing, but they did root me on.  One guy even put his hand out so I could give him 5 as I jogged past.  I wasn't going to leave him hanging, so I did.  I ran the fourth lap and then that was it for me. 

So now my next step is investigating just how to run a 10K.  Do I stop for water every so often?  Do I push myself through the entire thing?  Should I be focusing on a proper diet (because I'm not)?  For now, I'll just keep jogging and attempt to get to that 6 mile mark.  

I think I can.  I think I can.   

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